Cuida d’bo means “take care of yourself” in Cabo Verdean Creole. We are an NGO dedicated to supporting Cabo Verdean women through health education and access to essential healthcare services. How?

Facilitating access to information: Making it easier for women to access information about gynecological diseases. Educating and raising awareness to encourage women to prioritize their well-being.

Providing support and resources: Ensuring necessary resources, guidance, and assistance from diagnosis to treatment.

Advocating for inclusive health policies: Working towards policies that create an inclusive health system capable of providing efficient responses at all stages of cancer diagnosis.


A volunteering experience in the island of São Vicente evolved into a much greater mission.

We arrived in Cabo Verde to contribute to a broader awareness about breast cancer among women in underserved communities. Our exchange with local partners, organisations and other Cabo Verdean people, gave us a better perspective on the broader challenges these women face, especially in accessing basic gynecological care. Cuida d’bo was born to continue our collaboration and our commitment to improve this situation. 

Photo by Nídia Menezes. Click on the photo for more.


Thousands of women in Cabo Verde have never consulted a gynecologist or been screened for breast cancer. The lack of knowledge about essential healthcare issues, the missing infrastructure for certain treatments and the overall missing conditions for a good prevention system leads to very late breast cancer diagnosis amongst women in the country. Prevention is key to survival. Late diagnosis of breast cancer means a drastical decrease in survival rates.

Factors such as misinformation, cultural beliefs, fear, shame, and financial constraints often prevent them from seeking necessary care.


Early diagnosis is privilege not accessible to everyone. Across Sub-Saharan Africa, statistic from World Health Organization reveals that between 60% and 70% of women diagnosed with breast cancer are already in advanced stage of disease.

In Cabo Verde this staggering reality is reproduced, underscoring the critical need for heightened awareness, proactive prevention efforts, improved diagnostic capabilities, and accessible treatment options.

Photo by Nídia Menezes. Click on the photo for more.
Photo by Nídia Menezes. Click on the photo for more.

We took action and created Cuida d’bo to connect women in situation of social vulnerability with essential gynaecological consultations. 

We provide women with knowledge on breast cancer related health education and self-care practices that can drastically improve the prevention of the disease and alleviate the burden of this disease from themselves, their families and their communities.

With raised funds, we aimed to bridge the gap in early detection and care accessibility.

Cuida d’bo now focuses on raising awareness, providing educational resources, conducting comprehensive data collection and analysis, and offering continuous support through post-consultation guidance and referrals for routine screenings or diagnostic examinations.


Our vision is a world where all women have equal access to information, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, regardless of their location or social background.

We strive for a future where Cabo Verdean women actively incorporate self-care practices and seek medical care to lead healthy, fulfilling lives.




We believe in adapting our work philosophy to the local traditions and practices. Our approach is based on collaboration and mutual understanding, ensuring that our actions strengthen and do not disrupt the communities we serve.


Clarity and honesty are fundamental pillars of our organisation. We keep our donors and beneficiaries informed with detailed and accessible reports, accurately reflecting the use and destination of resources.


We aim to generate lasting change. We focus on self-sustainable projects, supporting communities’ and people’s agency over their lives.


We embrace diversity and value all voices and perspectives, regardless of their background or status.

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